Muller as Ness
Timothy "Tim" Muller (born in the 1990s) is an American actor in Stupid Mario Brothers. He is Chris Muller's younger brother.
Muller currently plays the roles of:
- Ness
- A Village Kid in Samurai 3 (The Interactive Adventure)
- Big Vinny Guard (The Interactive Adventure)
- Ninja
- Pirate
- Yoshi
- He is the younger brother of Christopher Anthony Muller
- Mario's house in series is actually the Muller house
- He is seen going through puberty throughout the series, this is lampshaded in series and even contributes to Ness's slight changes in personality as the series goes on; such as being willing to engage in witty banter and becoming more sarcastic, while when he was younger, he was very serious.
- Tim now spends much of his time playing DnD and other table top games
- Tim frequently drinks UCC coffee and other canned caffeinated beverages